Learning Snapshot 0.02

Following up from my Learn Snapshot 0.01.

Mobility & flow training: Loving it. As my previous post Calli-sthen-ics flow, I do morning energy / chi exercises, afternoon movements and night time stretching and mobility. I will keep at it and see where it takes me. I don’t feel the urge to go to the gym ???????? and go beast mode yet.

Bayesian Statistics: I need to pick this up. I downloaded the R project and am only on Chapter 5 out of 19. I started off my Bayesian adventure with a book by Will Kurt, “Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way”. Yes… the “Fun Way” 😉 I am surprisingly liking it, especially for someone who isn’t big into mathematics.

I am curious to see if Bayesian statistics can be incorporated into my trading, investing, and business decisions (and perhaps more?). Interesting to find out that one of my friend’s who runs a hedge fund uses Bayes and another friend who uses it for her AI Data company.

Reading: The Oxygen Advantage – Patrick McKeown. Adds with me being more in the flow. Oxygen / air is a big part of life and we assume that we can run it on autopilot. Maybe it’s one of those things we take for granted?

Dao of Capital, a good read albeit I felt it was a bit long winded. He talks about Tao and Austrian Economics and the “roundabout” way for investing. For those familiar with Tao (“The Way”), you may want to skip over those parts, as there are better books for Tao. A nice read on Mark’s background and entrance into investing. The interesting concept that I learnt about was intertemporal choice. It’s a fancy word for thinking decisions in bets, the variables, outcomes and probabilities. Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia, gives a nice high level overview.

Intertemporal choice is the process by which people make decisions about what and how much to do at various points in time, when choices at one time influence the possibilities available at other points in time. These choices are influenced by the relative value people assign to two or more payoffs at different points in time. Most choices require decision-makers to trade off costs and benefits at different points in time. These decisions may be about saving, work effort, education, nutrition, exercise, health care and so forth.

Intertemporal choice – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intertemporal_choice

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